May 22: Jan wins a prize for his poster entitled “Temperature Dependence of Charge Mobility in Rubrene from Fragment Orbital-Based Surface Hopping” at the Thomas Young Centre student day! Well done, Jan.

Apr 22: Paper accepted in Nature Communication! Sam and Wei-Tao show how quantum delocalization boosts exciton transport in molecular organic semiconductors, thanks also to Lorenzo, Daniele and Antoine for your critical input!

Mar 22: Our latest paper in the Journal of the American Chemical Society provides new insight into charge transport in hematite – well done Chris!

Nov 21: Samuele wins the Marshall Stoneham Prize for his PhD thesis! Well deserved, Samuele!

Nov 21: Big welcome to Nora Gildemeister who joins our group as a guest from the University of Cologne for a couple of months.

Oct 21: Big welcome to Ke Wang who joins our group for an undergraduate project within his Physics degree course.

Sep 21: Matt’s paper on the impact of crystallinity on charge carrier transport is out in Advanced Materials – quantum delocalization even in disordered semiconductors, FOB-SH at its best – well done all!

Sep 21: Our paper on Nanosecond Electron Transfer in Multi-heme Proteins is published – a true tour de force with electrochemistry and spectroscopy collaborators Julea Butt and Steve Meech – well done Xiaojing!

Sep 21: We are slowly returning to UCL – good to see faces, masked but real!

Jul 21: We have another Doctor this year: Congratulations, Matt!

Jun 21: Our IWOM workshop pulls in the crowds – 200 attendees!

Feb 21 A big welcome to our new group members Philipp, Ljiljana and Masih!

Dec 20 We have a new Doctor in our group: Congratulations Samuele!