Aug 17 Guido passes his PhD examination – congrats!
Author Archives: admin
Aug 17 Congratulations to Antoine for winning the Poster Prize at the 11th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC2017) with his poster ‘Electron Transfer in Organic and Biological Materials’.
Jun 17 Guido wins in the “Best Use of ARCHER” competition – congratulations!
May 17 Sharon won the poster prize at the CECAM school ‘Hybrid Quantum Mechanics / Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM) Approaches to Biochemistry and Beyond’ for the poster ‘Simulation of Pump-Probe Experiment in Small Tetraheme Cytochrome’
May 17 Hui has been selected to present her work at the Royal Society of Chemistry Theoretical Chemistry Group Graduate Student Meeting, Southampton.
Apr 17 Guido and Antoine selected to present their work at the CCP9 Young Researchers Event (Cambridge) and Faraday Joint Interest Group Conference (Warwick), respectively.
Feb 17: Our combined experimental/computational study on the atomistic structure of the hematite/liquid water interface has been published in JACS.
Dec 16: MSc student Oliver Gittus, PhD student Samuele Giannini, Post-doc Zdenek Futera and Peter Cooke join our group – a warm welcome!
Oct/Nov 16: Jacob and Fruzsina pass their PhD examinations with minor corrections – congrats!
Sep 16: Congratulations to Sharon for winning the Poster Prize at the Paris International School on Advanced Computational Material Science (PISACM2016) with her poster ‘Coupling matrix element calculation in small tetraheme cytochrome using fragment-orbital density functional theory’.